And here it is!
I went with photoshop rendering in the end and glad I did…still loads of room for improvement!Pretty happy with the overall layout of the page…
Next, two A1 pages for my sequential sketches.
I put emphasis on what I considered to be the better and more informative scenes by enlarging them but there seems to be something missing from the composition...
Im happy with the line work, its a lot cleaner than it was last year but possibly lacking in some depth and texture...
And I think its time to find some new colour samples and textures for rendering...
My precedents list is mostly parks in Paris… Parc de la Villette and Parc Bercy to be precise. Top left is the Thames barrier in London and bottom right is the Millennium park in Chicago.
I was interested in how the green spaces in cities are integrated through the structures in these parks, how open space can contrast with closed in spaces and how the overhead plane can be defined with only a suggestion of structure. Also how structural features could change when moving through a space with perspective and view point.